• Sheep Need A Shepherd

    My husband is a shepherd. When I say that I don’t mean he is a man that raises sheep. I mean he is a shepherd at heart. There is a big difference in being a shepherd and someone who raises…

  • Your Hair Will Grow Back

    A while back I read a blog post with this title and it stuck out to me so much that I studied this story out for myself.  The story goes that there was a woman that was barren and an…

  • My Superman

    My dad was like Superman when I was younger. He could do anything in my eyes! He was a semi-truck driver and could maneuver that big rig like no one else. He even won Grand Champion in the “Truck Roadeo”.…

  • Let It Go

    Forgiveness is defined as a conscious, deliberate decision to release feelings of resentment or vengeance toward a person or group who has harmed you, regardless of whether they actually deserve your forgiveness. Forgiveness does not mean forgetting, nor does it…

  • Kicking Negative Self-Talk

    Listen to your Self-Talk Write down what you are saying to yourself. Take a close look at what you are telling yourself every day. You’ll have both positive and negative self-talk, we all do. I think that’s pretty normal. But…