Healthy Body

Getting Back on the Wagon

Starting Keto….again

I am restarting my Keto journey. I started it once in October 2017 and did really well losing almost 30 pounds in 3 months. But,after the first of the year I completely fell off the wagon. I’ve tried time and time again to get back on that wagon but haven’t been successful.

So, here I am climbing back on again. I have decided to make myself accountable to you. Feel free to ask me how I’m doing and if I’m cheating. I promise to be honest and to share this journey with you. Hopefully you can learn from my mistakes.

My start date is October 22, 2018 and my starting weight is 170 lbs. my goal weight is 135 lbs.Using a Keto Calculator (  I figured my Macros should be 1235kcal Daily Calorie Intake 20g Carbs (6%, 80 kcal) 65g Protein (21%, 260 kcal) 99g Fat (73%, 895 kcal).

Here are my settings in Fitness Pal, I didn’t change the Micro-nutrients.
They are calculated automatically in the app.

I am using the free version of My Fitness Pal to track my food. It doesn’t let me put in the exact numbers but they are pretty close. I set my calories to 1250, Carbs to 5% (16 g), Protein to 75% (104 g) and Fat to 20% (63 g).  My main goal to start is to keep my carbs under 20 g. I’m not going to focus on calories too much at first.

My goal is not just weight loss; I want to feel good about myself. I want to feel comfortable in my own skin. Not just the way I look but I want more energy to do the things I want and need to do.

This is the food list I am going to use. This list is from a Facebook group I joined called “Adapting to Keto”. It is a great group for beginners. The idea is that if it’s not on the list – then I don’t eat it! Ahhh- I’d better check the list again…

No chocolate – no pancakes – no donuts – Oh No! – LOL

I’ll admit it, I’m addicted to CARBS! Guess what, carbs turn to sugar in the body. Why does something that is so bad for you have to taste so stinking good? My downfall is sweets! I love desserts and all things CHOCOLATE! Anyone who knows me knows this.

Everything is better with chocolate. Brownies are irresistible with some vanilla ice cream and chocolate syrup.  Chocolate dipped strawberries anyone?? I know I have a problem. My co-workers indulge me with chocolate and my sons &daughters-in-law know that when you don’t know what else to get mom – get her chocolate! So I’m going into this endeavor knowing full well how difficult it will be for me.

My husband is a little different than me he likes salty things like popcorn, chips and pretzels. So what’s your downfall? Is it breads?Sweets? or salty? I believe in identifying the “enemy”. We need to know what our problem is so we can face it head on. This way we can come up with our “out”.How are we going to handle situations when these things are presented to us?It’s gonna happen so we may as well expect it.

It never fails. You decide today is the day you’re going to start eating healthy and someone brings in doughnuts for breakfast. Or may be your boss caters lunch in for everyone. Yep, it happens every time.

It may be easier to do this in steps such as choosing a goal for each week. For instance, week 1 reduce the amount of sugar and refined carbohydrates like doughnuts and white bread. Then add a new goal each week.

For me, I find it easier to just go cold turkey. So the idea is to come up with an eating plan for the week that I can stick to.

My Daily Meal Plan is going to look something like this:

Breakfast: Bulletproof Coffee, 2 eggs, Keto biscuit (sometimes I’m not hungry and will only have the coffee)

Lunch: Turkey roll-up, pickle spear

Dinner: Grilled chicken, salad with Ranch dressing or oil and vinegar

Snack: Peanut Butter Fat Bomb

This looks simple enough but I know from experience I will need to add a little variety in or I will get bored and blow it. So with fall coming on I will be making some soup and adding some spaghetti squash and things like that. Hopefully that will keep things going smoothly. The main thing is to have a protein and Keto approved veggies on hand.

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