Healthy Body,  Life

My Why

I think for every bad habit we want to “kick” we need a why. So be sure to define your why. Take some time and think about why this is important to you. Remember this is your journey and you need to have a personal reason for making a change. If you’re doing it for someone else or because someone else wants you to or thinks you should it won’t stick. You won’t maintain your changes unless it’s something you truly want to do for yourself. Write it down; keep it in a safe place. This way when you have those times when you want to quit or give up (those times will come, just expect it) you can go back and remind yourself why you started.

Me and my daddy

For me, my reason can be summed up in one word – FAMILY! They are very important to me and I want to remain healthy for as long as possible. Both my grandmothers died from complications of Type II Diabetes. My mom and dad both have this horrible disease and are to the point of checking blood sugars 4 times a day and giving themselves insulin shots. My dad has had lymphoma twice and has major heart problems. He has so many stents in his arteries, the doctors are to the point of saying he’s not a candidate for another surgery and he’s on a whole list of medications. My mom has neuropathy in both of her feet and has a hard time walking. 

My momma

 I also have a sister and brother who are both considered pre-diabetic. So heredity is not on my side with this issue. My husband has been diagnosed with Type II Diabetes also, but up to this point has been able to control it with oral medications and diet. He is going on this journey with me and we are hoping to help him “kick” the meds.

I’m not a grandmother yet but when I get the privilege of being called grandma I want to be the cool grandma. I want to be able to go on bike rides, run a few races, walk the trails and play like a kid again. I want to enjoy my golden years and be able to help my children enjoy their children. I don’t want my boys to worry about me not taking care of myself. I don’t want them to have the same fears and worries about me that I have had with my parents.

I want to do what God has called me to do for as long as He wants me to do it. I see so many ministries cut short because of health issues. How many more awesome messages could have been preached if the minister would have kept his health in check? How many more songs could have been written if the song writer would have changed her eating habits? How many more Bible Studies could have been taught if the teacher would have just exercised a few times a week? How many more books could have been written? The list could go on and on….

Here are 27 health issues that are believed to be related to poor diets.

  1. Hypertension (high blood pressure)
  2. Alzheimer’s Disease/Dementia
  3. Coronary Heart Disease
  4. Stroke
  5. Gall Bladder Disease
  6. Osteoarthritis
  7. Sleep Apnea
  8. Respiratory Problems
  9. Endometrial Cancer
  10. Breast Cancer 
  11. Prostate Cancer
  12. Colon Cancer 
  13. Dyslipidemia (an abnormal amount of lipids, or fat, in the blood)
  14. Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis (liver inflammation caused by a buildup of fat in the liver)
  15. Insulin Resistance
  16. Asthma
  17. Hyperuricemia (an abnormally high level of uric acid in the blood)
  18. Reproductive Hormone Abnormalities
  19. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
  20. Impaired Fertility
  21. Adult Onset Diabetes (Type 2)
  22. Depression
  23. Anxiety
  24. Low energy levels/fatigue
  25. Tooth decay
  26. Acne
  27. Digestive health issues

I am sure there are more that could be added and I may not be able to avoid all of these, but I sure want to do my best. I want to live to be an old lady to embarrass my boys every chance I get and for as long as I possibly can!

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